Thursday, January 12, 2012

Evolution Vs Creation Video

Hello All,
Please watch the following video and discuss the ideas/theories presented in the video based upon your view of the content. You are all required to state your comments by Sunday 01/15/2012.
You are also required to reply to 2 of your classmates comments. All blog assignments are graded :)

Evolution Vs Creation Video

The Evolution vs. Creation debate is often referred to as the "Great Debate." It's the emotion-packed question of "Origins" -- why, how, and where did everything come from? 20th century science has made the compelling discovery that, at some point, the universe began. Both sides of the Great Debate now agree that the universe has not existed eternally. However, this is where the agreement ends. As far as the "why" and "how" of the "origin event," this is where the division and contention begin. There are two basic theories in this Great Debate. The first is the historical default - the Creation Model of Origins. This theory maintains that the intricate design permeating all things implies a Designer. The second theory is the more recent, atheistic explanation - the Evolution Model of Origins. This theory postulates that the intricate design permeating all things is a product of random chance and excessive time.


  1. First, Creation is still one of the most accepted ideas about the "beginning" of the universe. As said, a Designer, GOD, is how humans and everything else were created in a very intricate manner. Things like what was being said in the video provides some type of evidence; however, besides religion, i don't believe that that provides a good proof. Organisms are meant to adapt, and with changing environments and consistent alterations in genes, the first of those "creatures" may have gradually adapted, changing colors, and targets. Just like all other organisms, different forms exist. According to science, the Big Bang theory explains the beginning of the universe (look it up) and from there on (about 14 billion years ago), organisms began to develop from viruses and photosynthetic bacteria. The age of which the big bang theory suggests correlates with records from fossils and sedimentary rocks. Whether I am a believer or not, Evolution does not explain everything, though. In terms of intermediates, evolution doesn't explain the lack of a compromise(e.g. cavemen). Additionally, science explains everything that is physical, with observations. Things such as morality and thoughts on the moral guide is not explained with evolution. Any non-material realities are lacked to be explained within the realm of science. Those are the kind of things I would further like to learn.

    1. Well stated Alaa, your points were made clear and were presented through both the perspective of science and religion.

    2. what if everything that is explained by science done by god. that could easily be adopted as a new idealogy, what if god was the one who created the big bang and the series of events afterwards would you still be able to give logicle explaination to how that cant be the case, god could have easily put those first prokaryotes and eukaryotes and then gave them the right modifications to adapt and then evolve into a more complex specie(s).

    3. I see a point with what Alaa and Mahde said; creationism can just as easily prove or disprove evolution just by saying that God MADE the Big Bang theory happen.

    4. I like what all three of you are saying, especially your last point Alaa. Science cannot explain such things as faith, which proves that there are some areas in our world that science cannot be applied but religion can (and the same could be said for religion).

    5. Asma has a good point "science cannot explain such things as fate," which really applies to how progression is hindered in some ways in finding out more facts in science regarding evolution and creationism.

    6. you guys can't say that God created the big bang theory, party because, and just as an example, the Qu'ran states that "Allah created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six days"(7:54) and does not talk about "an explosion into the universe" or the big bang theory.

    7. As far as some believe, God created everything. I agree with Alaa that we can't say Allah created the Big Bang because of the verse provided. That little tidbit contradicts everything scientists have done to prove that a big bang started everything. I believe most scientists trying to prove evolution are only doing it for the fame and that's the reason why they ignore religion instead of trying to find facts that disprove it.

    8. Yes indeed Noran. However, you can't also rule out the fact that the big bang theory does also have evidence, similar to creationism and evolution. Thats when we have to connect the dots and theorize about the creation and the evolving of the universe and everything within, from the "beginning of time". for evidence, you can check out this link. They dont list all evidence, but just 4 of them.

    9. Yes, I agree. Someone else said that the two ideas--creationism and evolution-- could both be believed. That is definitely not the case though, since many parts of evolution does in fact contradict the belief of a creator. One can't have both beliefs at the same time because it is said that God created us the way we are, so humans are therefore deisgned in a specific way. Evolution claims that this isn't true, and instead we evolved into humans from animals.

    10. Both can't fully be believed, however, they partially can. One can believe that God created the beginning of time, with all it has, as organisms and everything else, and from there on, everything underwent evolution. However, this still contradicts religious beliefs in one form. That's why one must settle between the two. Personally, although this contradicts what i just said, i do have shared beliefs from both ideas/theories.

    11. one question why did mrs fradi like only alaas comments? :p

    12. Because i am incredibly awesome:) And i was the first one to post

  2. As much I would like to believe evolution, it lacks much information. The Big Bang theory doesn't explain the existence of planets well enough. If the planet was a ball of heat then exploded into a planet what caused that to happen (of course I'm not being scientifical here I'm just trying to get to the point). Just like in the video and like what Alaa mentioned evolution still cannot and does not explain everything.
    In the video they talk about how the fish reproduces by shooting its eggs at another fish(bass) and the eggs act as a parasite and take over the fish and in turn, producing more of its kind. So the question is how can evolution explain that? How does the fish know that in order to reproduce it must "..."? Evolution does not explain the way we think, how we think, and both our morality and mentality. There is only only one "thing" that can explain and answer all of our questions:God.

    1. I would like to say something, though. I believe that evolution does explain what was said in the video. Yes, creationism does explain it, of course for those who believe in God. However, evolution, how it is presented currently,explains the idea of the fish pretty easily, in my opinion. I mean, perhaps the first of those creatures developed, and as it began to reproduce, it began showing difference in appearance and structure, of course to correlate with its prey (Prey isn't right, though, because the relationship is symbiotic). As generation went by, most of the little shell-fish thing reproduced, with different characteristics, and in accordance to its environment and host. Whether you are a believer or not (Not you Marwa, i am talking in General:) ), taking evolution into account, it may explain what is being talked about in the video.

    2. I don't think that I can agree with you Alaa because evolution does not explain the mentality of the shell-fish and of anyone. There must of been a creator,God, that controls the shell-fish things way of thinking. The environment does not make the fish want to act a certain way. The fish may adapt to the environment, so the environment can change the fishes structure to an extent but it can not give the fish reason to do anything.
      I hope that makes sense :)

    3. Haha i am not really disagreeing with you as much as i am looking at things from the evolution point of view. The "mentality" and the "way of thinking" of all organisms changed over time. Again, everything i am saying is from the evolutionary lens. Humans, accordingly, were apes a certain million years ago. As humans evolved, so did our way of thinking and the way of approaching life. Similarly, evolution within these shell-fish creatures caused them to evolve a way of shooting these parasites to CERTAIN and CHOSEN fish.

    4. I am not certain but this is what i think: In pertinence to the shell-fish projecting out eggs at a certain fish at the right time, some animals have a type of external sensory ability which allows them to locate others in close proximity. We can take sonar for example. There are some animals that emit sound waves to pinpoint the exact location (in close proximity) of another animals to carry on with their next task(s). As for it being a particular fish, many animals have an ability to recognize the scent of a particular animal usually by chemical or hormonal release. It did not state this in the video and I was like, well this could be the cause because I have took classes that explained how animals use certain abilities to survive and reproduce. As you could see from this, it is the lack of information that still leads us into guessing.

    5. Although I may believe with what you are saying Marwa about the fact that the theory of creationism is correct, some aspects of evolution may have taken place as well. I mean, if one were to notice the numerous fossils found on the ancestors of humans, that individual can perceive the similar anatomical as well as genetic structures between humans and chimpanzees. This certain ancestor may have evolved to form us humans today. This can correlate with the mussels in the video. Perhaps the mussel creatures first developed in unity but then reproduced through genetic variation and created numerous distinct mussel species with different characteristics. Thereby, allowing natural selection to take place and keep these particular mussels surviving by “mimicking” and tricking the bass in order to survive. Although, there are many that do not agree with evolution as a whole, there are several aspects such as adaptation and natural selection that are reasonable and we should continue to dissect them in biology class.:)

    6. let me start from the very beginning first of the same scientist that tried proving evolution right were also same ones trying to prove the big bang theory right. so explain to me how these so called "scientists" say that the big bang created everything when they themselves state that nothing became something? am itching my head right now have you ever heard a more idiotic fact, nothing=something, these same scientist get praised for thier work which is basically taking random evidence and then try to connect it to what the call evolution, oh and by the way why is it that every single type of evidence has to include fossils. fossils are the worst type of evidence to use because can easily be mistaken, meaning that fossils will always deteriorate. also the other fact i wanted to mention is DNA they explain evolution,natural selection and (etc) as being a macroevolution, notice how it is spelled macro, and then scientist everytime they are asked use DNA as the evidence for all these but DNA is a microevolution.

    7. sorry put fact istead of statemeant got too excited.

    8. Which leads to what I stated: False theories lead to false conclusions. Well said...

  3. I would also have to agree with Alaa and Marwa stating that there is lack of information. As humans, we only make inferences and theories based on what we see and what is presented before us. We enter a state of confusion when it comes to theological aspects and the sciences of evolution. False theories lead to false conclusions and that is what is being passed on generations after generations, many are inclined to believe that evolution is how we still stand as of today. There are a variety of organisms and specimen that are created to serve a purpose for other animals as well as to serve us human beings. Only God knows the truth, for God is forever wise.

    1. I can Agree with Ruh that only God knows how mankind and species changed. However I disagree with the idea that false theories can lead to false conclusions because you honestly never know whether something can be true, so how can we judge whether a theory is false or not without questioning ourselves?

  4. Well there are two sides to this debate: the intricate design permeating all things implies a Designer (God) or that the intricate design permeating all things is a product of random chance and excessive time. This video clearly supports that evolution is not the explanation for this debate. The man gives proof for his opinion by giving the example of the mussel and how mindless random chance couldn’t be the explanation for such harmony, such timing, and such unity. He’s saying that evolution is basically implying that random processes had allowed these mussels to thrive because if these little mussels didn’t shoot larvae up into the other fish they would go extinct which further implies that this action has to have happened for the very first Lampsilis (don’t know how to spell it, sorry) mussel. That’s because that is their reproductive mechanism and if it didn’t happen with the “first one, with the right fish, at the right time, with the right reflexes, they would be extinct. “ So in terms of that, how does evolution explain that? In my opinion I do agree with him because such perfect timing and preciseness is only the work of none the other-God. He’s the creator of all things. Evolution doesn’t give suffice evidence about the creation of individuals. Also as Alaa said,” In terms of intermediates, evolution doesn't explain the lack of a compromise(e.g. cavemen).” I feel though evolution does play a role in how animals (not humans) change over time. Animals do gain heritable characteristics- adaptations- to cope with the environment and other struggles and the strongest reproduce (natural selection) which shows the significant changes that animals have now a days. But I feel evolution doesn’t provide enough evidence for the creation of animals and individuals.

    1. In terms of animals, not humans, gaining heritable characteristics, it has been proven that humans have gained heritable characteristics as well. They have founds many fossil records of "humans" indicating that they have evolved from millions of years ago.

    2. We might have gained heritable traits, but there must have been something there first in order for us to evolve from, right? And that's where the work of God comes into play. I don't believe in the part of how we all evolved from monkeys or chimpanzees. Religiously speaking we are descendants of Adam and Eve. God made each specific animal for a purpose. I mean even if you think about it, over time, how could have these animals evolved into such sophisticated species. Like where do these new adaptations come from? And the fact that even though this has been studied for over 200 years the theory of evolution well- is still just a theory.

    3. I agree with Zunaira. There are certain parts of Darwinism, like natural selection and adaptation that I believe in (that religion doesn't necessarily disprove). Nevertheless, there are aspects like the idea that humans and chimps evolved from a common ancestor that I don;t believe in (like Zunaira said).

    4. But religion does disprove natural selection right? Natural selection is the essence of evolution; as stated in the book, natural selection is a method of evolution. Scientifically speaking, natural selection is what causes the evolving of "unsophisticated organisms" into "sophisticated ones." I personally believe that believing in natural selection is believing in its results, and its results is evolution. We can't rule out the scientific evidence of human's evolutionary tract.

  5. You stated, "I feel though evolution does play a role in how animals (not humans) change over time." What if somehow the human genes were genetically altered to create a different species? Human genetic engineering is illegal worldwide, however we are not certain if some countries secretly test. I once saw a video of a child born with snake skin. As disturbing as it was, it was interesting to think how it would grow up to adulthood. Although I highly doubt it is a result of genetic engineering, there are some animals or humans that survive with some type of genetic disease. By disease I mean a phenotypic characteristic abnormal to the typical human being. My question does not need an answer. It is merely a question to ponder by.

    1. Same here i think evolution does play in a role of all organisms except humans. I dont understand how that some other species could have evolved into us because we are the only living things that can actually learn, understand, and have complex thoughts

    2. Yeah but how would that happen? Plus human genetic engineering would be artificial it wouldn't technically be the natural process of "evolution". I know it's just a thought but still it wouldn't be too likely everyone's genes would be genetically altered to create a new species;however, I do sort of understand what you're trying to point at.

    3. Why should we even ponder that question? As humans we should be happy that we are the most intelligent creatures and not being treated like farm animals.

  6. Today, one area of concern for many scientist and people from all over the globe involves the issue of how the universe was created. There are those who vehemently contend that our world was a product of the Big Bang Theory: A cosmological theory holding that the universe originated approximately 20 billion years ago from the violent explosion of a very small agglomeration of matter of extremely high density and temperature. ( However, others (including me) believe in one creator: God. Personally, I came to a conclusion that sometimes we don’t always have an answer to all the questions we ask. There isn’t enough accurate evidence that supports the “Big Bang Theory”. If our universe was a result of a “violent explosion”, than where did the elements/components of the blast come from. They must have originated from other existing particles. Furthermore, I do believe in the common thought/ idea of evolution. For instance with the issue of natural selection, isn’t it kind of obvious that nature WILL ALWAYS favor species with the most promising characteristics and allow them to reproduce and move on??? Religiously, the belief of scientific evolution may be discouraged; however, without science we would be lost.
    Now, moving one to the video we learned that the shell-fish shoots eggs onto the gills of a bass, which act as parasites and detach when they are old enough. The question comes to this: how does this explain evolution? How does evolution clarify the fact that the shell-fish is very accurate on timing and only shoot eggs on the bass? Not all questions have answers and science doesn’t always portray changes in our lives accurately.

    1. I agree with you Malak on the idea that we would be lost without science and that also all events that happened in the universe did not occur "coincidentally". Therefore, in the mussel video, in order for the certain mussel species to survive, it is reasonable that there must be a great supernatural (God) that is capable of allowing the mussel to release its larvae to the right fish, at the right time, with the right reflexes. However, evolution might have also enabled the mussel to evolve and adapt in order for it to survive and reproduce. Through natural selection, the environment might have allowed the particular mussels with the dominating genes to survive and continue to live on by releasing their larvae into the suitable fish.

    2. i agree with malak in saying that not all questions will be answered, i also believe that the idea of science was created so that people with no belief could be happy meaning that they give them random rubbish on how they are alive today because obviously those same people pay them to say that or to "prove" that evolution and the big bang was correct.

    3. Going off of what Genan said, God could have created the mussels and introduced life into them while evolution could stand as the development mechanism that allowed them to change.

    4. like many have said natural selection explains many ideologies about the development of species but it says nothing about the soul of a specie.scientist have been able to transplant almost all body organs but haven't been able to give life to a soul. like manal said God created the mussel then put life into it. But it is false to believe that evolution is responsible for life. Who has control over your soul? that is God and evolution can't explain how that is made.

  7. By exploring both the theory of creationism and evolution, one can clearly observe that evolution may hold numerous/reliable evidence that can immensely explain the method in which organisms evolved, survived, and adapted to their environment. The video provided (depicting the mussels astonishing way of surviving) questions whether evolution is responsible for the intricate method of adapting or not, and supports the theory of creationism which involves the idea that humanity, life, the Earth, and the Universe are the creation of a supernatural/great being- God. However, organisms in the world were created to adapt with consistent changes in their genes in order to be fit into particular environments. Through evidence such as fossils, give us an indisputable record of past changes through vast periods of time. For example, after analyzing a few fossil records scientists are able to determine the source of where organisms derived from. They provide us with the idea of the gradual change from the common ancestor to form distinct species today. For example, through fossils, scientists were capable of discovering the fact that humans are related to chimps. Although the theory of evolution may hold many reliable evidence, a huge puzzle piece continues to be missing. For example, between humans and chimps, there is still an intermediate organism (caveman) that we still have to discover. Therefore, this debate portrays the fact that both the theory of evolution as well as creationism hold distinct gaps that are unable to explain in great detail the idea of where organisms came from and the way they act in order to survive today.

    1. That's very reasonable. It also makes a lot of sense to me that all organisms evolve, in accordance to geologic, ecologic changes. Perhaps the two theories can be merged into one: a creator, God, created the first of the organisms in the universe, and then let the worlds evolve since then. That way evolution and part of creationism are included within the topic. However, this theory goes against religious beliefs. I would also like to point out a quick note: for the lack of intermediates, wouldn't a possible explanation be that a *worldwide* catastrophe cause the "partially-full* wipe out of humanity, and from there on developed what we call today, Humans.

    2. Genan is completely correct regarding this debate having gaps that are unable to give us answers and facts. Although we have some fossils, and believe we evolved from cavemen, our thoughts and ideas are not consistent from person to person. We will never know how we were placed on Earth along with everything else, and why we have the characteristics that we do, it will always be a huge question mark in science, and religion. These theories may go against some peoples' religions and cultural values, so we will never really get the answer.

    3. They are unexplained because people refuse to let go of the ideas of religion and science. Let go of both and just live, you only have once chance at living.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I just searched up intelligent design and got this definition: Intelligent design refers to a scientific research program as well as a community of scientists, philosophers and other scholars who seek evidence of design in nature. Surprisingly, right under the description they stated that intelligent design has nothing to do with creationism; nevertheless it may be considered a scientific theory. That creationism starts with scared texts and adding on intelligent design starts with evidence from nature (ex. natural selection)

    2. oops i think i deleted it...The evolution-creationism debate also has another side that might be worth looking into. It’s called: intelligent design. I think it’s similar to creationism except it’s not based on sacred texts but rather explains the need for simply an apparent designer through science.

  9. Personally, I feel like the same things that prove evolution is also evidence for creationism. The idea that evolution is somehow more logical doesn’t make any sense to me. If we were truly honest, creationism and evolution ultimately lead up to the same questions: where did God and that ball of gas originate from? Religion doesn’t disprove adaptation, but certain religious ideologies do—we can’t judge religion as a single unchanging belief; religion correlates with many scientific facts, actually. The whole debate of creationism versus evolution is…pointless. Evolution has genetic evidence on its side while creationism has evidence that’s so otherworldly that no one can either prove or disprove. The fact is, until someone has solid proof of the VERY beginning of time, this video and every other resource out there—whether proving or disproving evolution—is only correct or incorrect in theory.

    1. True, you have genes, adaptations and science sided with evolution; on the other hand, all the other aspects that not even scientists can contribute thoughts to or come up with answers is classified under creationism. Like I’ve stated above we don’t always have answers to all the questions we ask. The biggest evidence with this concept is how our universe began -it’s origins and all!

    2. I definitely agree with the both of you. Each side has its ups and downs, so the debate is just ridiculous. There's no use in making a big deal out of it because no one will ever know what occurred in the beginning of time when the universe was still young. The only thing we tiny humans can do is assume, that's all.

    3. I truly agree with Tahany..Every religion has different ideas so every debate will be pointless regarding evolution since it may differ from person to person. We don't have the facts about how us creatures adapted and are able to survive since we really don't have the proof from the first human. Facts will be altered from religion to religion. Religion and science are always against each other in a way that not really anyone can explain.

    4. yup, i agree the ultimate "thing" that would prove either theories DOES NOT exist, and therefore making litte shots made here and there in either direction can be argued to prove either points.

    5. I agree, neither one of the sides can exactly be claimed "true", until proof is provided. For me, I stick with my religous beliefs, and unless provwn otherwise, I will continue to believe evolution isn't true. In the end though, it remains unclear how it all begin. I don't think that science can continue to provide reasoning when you keep going back and back to what came before.

    6. I totally agree because evolution is more about the development of life while creationism introduces the creator of life and our morality;in a broader prospect this issue deals with the big debate of religion or science and the question if believing is seeing or seeing, believing.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Something I can't understand is why it's so hard to have God and evolution in the same sentence without them being against each other. I don't understand the need to disprove God with evolution or vice versa; for me it's simple: God set evolution in motion. He was the one who created the Big Bang, as pointed out by some on here. And like Tahany said, "religion correlates with many scientific facts". That's very true; Muslims in the Prophet's (SAW) time knew many things about the earth hundreds of years before they were discovered by scientists and researchers. Also the universe is so vast and mysterious; who are we to write of God when we can't even go past the sun?

    1. Nicely said Asma. We humans always want one answer and one answer only. I agree with the fact of how we can't place two thoughts ( evolution & creationism) and put them together. Additionally, our minds are very limited and we can't always understand/comprehend everything! That's the way we were created and that's how will remain. I’m not saying we can't try to improve ourselves(that‘s wrong), but my point is that our thinking is limited.

    2. i agree with you I done understand why people have to just have one answer to their problem. God is the one who created everything from the start and from then evolution starts but it still does not explain everything which is why we know God is real since there are not answers to every question we ask and try to find info about.

    3. i meant to say dont* instead of done

    4. i know what your trying to say asma, i have thoguht of the same thing too that why cant we think that evolution IS true and its god that intended for it to be? but then again... Adam and Eve.

    5. Indeed. Well said. Humans are always inclined in wanting an exact answer. Well we have to understand that we can never be all knowing, for that position is already taken by The All Knowing.

      (I think epic response. This should end all other responses.)

    6. I never actually thought of it that way. o.O I mean I did, but just not in those terms. But then Lama has a point, how is there a Big Bang and then Adam and Eve? So no matter what we try, evolution and religion will still clash.

    7. Sorry Ruh, I saw that after I wrote me reply /:

  12. I believe that God is the one who allowed for these events to happen for different species and creatures to be able to adapt to certain environments. Just as we are able to survive on Earth with water and oxygen rather than a different planet. Everything and everyone was placed on Earth for a reason, even though we may question some things' existence. This mussel does show a significant adaption and intelligence that may never be answered, but to me the creation of these animals, creatures, and humans all has a role and we may never know what it may be. This debate along with many others always will lead to more questions and not very much of the answers, so we really will all have our opinions and ideas of how and why we really are the way we are also speaking for the other creatures God has placed on Earth as well.

  13. I do in believe some evidence of science where organisms gradually change so they can adapt better to their environment and reproduce for the next generation. But like the man in the video said it doesnt explain how the first mussel which was created from mindless changes new exactly what moment, what fish, and the right reflex so they can reproduce because if the mussel did not know when and how then they would go extinct. This is where I believe God has to do with this because evolution does not explain how the mussel knew. God is the one who gives us minds to think and understand so we can live but we dont know everything and the minds of every living being is limited. Evolution still does give evidence for how organisms live to this day which are from earlier forms of life that throughout time has had changes in its genetic material to create this generation. But I dont believe it when it tries to explain that humans descendants were once apes.

    1. I agree Rashad. In some aspects, evolution does make sense, adaptation does make sense, and natural selection also makes sense. However, God was the one who created did the mussels know when to release their larvae?
      Obviously there is not enough evidence regarding this topic, but God is the one who meant for all this to happen.

  14. The topic of evolution has been without a doubt a very sensitive topic ever since Darwin thought of it. It defied the common ideology of a God that created everyone and everything in the most perfect way, and most of all Adam and Eve which are believed by multiple religions to be the first people placed by god on earth. Evolution explains our existence as though we have evolved from apes, it would be very funny (astakhfirola) to think that Adam and Eve where apes. But the theory itself makes sense; it explains why various kinds of fossils exist in their very similar forms. It makes sense that creatures find themselves in a state where they must adapt and change to suite their environment because only the strong survive. And it’s true even if you want to look at it from a not-so-biological perspective, in today’s society… only the strong survive. In addition to all the evidence found that would help prove the point. But as the video states that there are those creatures such as the one mentioned that must have been able to get the act right from the first time or else it would have died without releasing the eggs or whatever it released and have gone extinct. I dunno, the world’s complicated.

  15. Evolution has always been a controversial subject. Personally, I believe in creationism over evolution because of religion. Creationism is the belief that God created everything while evolution is based on scientific facts. As seen in the video, evolution cannot answer all questions just as religion can't; it all depends on what a person wants to believe. You can follow other people's theories, create your own, or just follow a religion. Science however, provides evidence for evolution more than it does for religion. If someone is a huge science believer, they are more likely to believe in evolution over religion.

    1. I definitely agree Noran. Science and religion are both based on faith and belief. How can someone prove that God was responsible for this? How can anyone prove that evolution is the anwer? Obviously, if a person is a disbeliever, then he/she will choose to believe in science over religion -

    2. Heyy hunnay :), I agree with you. They both tie in together, and Dana I agree with you too, its based on what a person beliefs are to see which way theyll go.


    1. Does it really matter whether you state whose side you're on or not? o.O

    2. Does it really matter whether or not you state whose side you're on? o.O

  17. I don't want people to judge me :/

  18. I do not personally know which theory is correct so I will not argue for any one of them. It is useless to sit here and think about animals when there are actually people who are dying because they can't "evolve" and produce their own food like plants. It is useless to sit here and argue that someone even created the design because of the fact that something like greed and violence would have not been created then. This topic should not even be stressed about because we should be happy with what we have.

    1. Mohammad, there are hard facts and evidence to prove evolution does exsist. You can't deny that natural selection takes place. If an organism's characteristics don't allow them to survive certain environmental changes, of course it's going to die and when it dies, it won't be able to reproduce and pass on those traits. It's an evolutionary chain effect. Eventually, those genes will be lost and there will be a shift in the gene pool, where only the traits that are fit for that particular environment are present.

  19. This is real evolving:

  20. The theory of evolution has yet to have proven to be true, due to the fact that evidence is both incomplete as well as insufficient. For me personally, I believe that evolution cannot exist unless full proof is given to me to show otherwise. Yes, it is valid for some to claim that having specific beliefs and having faith in religion might not be enough to say that evolution is not true, but for me, it is the same vice versa. Who says that the universe wasn't designed in the way that it was for a reason, and meant to be the way it is? Regardless of my opinion, facts also consist of why it is I believe in this:

    Evolutionists believe that environmental factors affect the offspring in a small number of ways. However, what the female goes through during the whole process of being pregnant and having the child can in no way change or affect the chromosomes in the eggs and can’t have any effect on her offspring. Her body can’t go into the eggs contained within her ovaries at birth to make any change. The genes and the DNA of that baby that have come to be can’t change based on the environment. It just isn’t possible, and has never in history been proven to be true. For this reason, females can’t be related to the evolutionary changes that is said to have happened. So how exactly is it that females change the composition of the genes on their newborn children? They simply can’t. And this reason, I believe, is not something that should be ignored. It is evidence to me that shows that evolution can’t be true.

    In addition, fossil records can contradict their purpose in proving evolution. Though they may show that species have once had different shape and structure, the fact that not enough intermediates exist show that evolution isn't evident.The fossil record is a big part of the theory of evolution and the fossil record does not show the gradual changes leading to entirely new types of animals that Darwin predicted, and intermediate species are hard to find. A more specific example of this would be the “missing link” as Darwin showed how humans have evolved from monkeys. Also, although there is plenty of evidence for adaptive changes in species, we do not, in recorded history, have evidence of one type of animal changing into another type. Moreover, as we know science is always changing, there can be errors in carbon dating and other methods that are used to determine the age of fossils and the Earth itself. Nonetheless, I disagree with evolution because DNA and RNA comparisons between similar and dissimilar species at times confirm evolution, but in other circumstances are inconsistent.

  21. In the video, it is explored the idea of how a creature can perform activities such as defending itself and shooting larvae at its predator. By this, it is only shown that perfection such as this is hard to believe to be explained through evolution. Years of evolving wouldn't have such results to begin with, amd also, this is the typical reaction that this creature has..not just exists in certain ones. Some other explanation has to provide reasoning to how this is possible, and I believe that the creation of this creature by God is the reason why.

  22. The example provided in the video about the mussel and bass is truly remarkable and makes one take a different look at the essence of evolution. It shows that evolution can’t really illustrate the perfect harmony that occurs in such an instance in nature. Although I haven’t exactly formulated my own opinions fully, pondering over this I realize that evolution does have a wide array of evidence to support it, in addition to logic, but it still leaves a lot of loopholes that are best left to religion. Even evolution can’t 100% answer the simplest of questions; did the egg come before the chicken or the chicken before the egg? What was the common ancestor that all these organisms shared? At some point a Creator had to lend a hand to turn the wheel for life to begin and then they eventually start evolving to varying conditions He created on earth. Also like some of you pointed out creationism mainly deals with christian beliefs while other religions could have a different argument. And just to throw this out there, numerous scientists believe in both science and belong to a religious sect, wonder why?
    Take a look: Comparison of the scientific method and creationism-
    This shows how science and religion could possibly coexist-

  23. The theory of evolution is inconsistent and lacks a load of information and reason. Yes, religion may take part on whether or not evolution has occurred or not, but let's keep in mind that belief in religion rather than science and vice versa is just that - a belief. How can you PROVE that God created the world in six days? How can you PROVE evolution? You can't. It's your faith. On the other hand, you can say that God and evolution "work hand-in-hand", as he created the Big Bang Theory and evolution. So yes, God created life, but also created this idea that we call evolution.

    The example shown in the video is very interesting, and sets off the idea of evolution through a new light. However, how can the mussels release their larvae into the right fish at the right time? There has to be a greater power (God) involved.

    1. How did God create the Big Bang if he created the world in six days and there already was an Adam and Eve?

    2. Hey there Dana, okay I agree 110%. And Noran dont ask questions just whatever! lol Anyway that they go, their bound to tie into the other side

    3. Not necessarily Dana because Many people say they believe in one thing but do another.also you said that evolution "lacks a load of information", which isn't the case because There as been so much research done for evolution and there are documentaries that can prove evolution does exist (think of what happened between Wallace and Darwin) while creationism cannot be supported because the theory lack in depth research and information.

  24. dude am so cool i started the debate about big bang and fossils being accurate and the dna in ur face alaa

    1. Mahde, there is no further proof of the big bang theory of the fossil record to say that they are accurate. They may be called peices of evidence, however at any point they can be proven false, as a believer of faith I say that the fossil record just happens to be changes at random and due to different species that are not related to what they thought they were and not evolution

  25. over the years scientists have carried scientific investigations that were proven in the Quran 1400 years ago. one example of many is Allah's description of the human body. Verse (18:11-14): (Verily We created man from a product of wet earth; (12) Then placed him as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging; (13) Then fashioned We the drop a clot, then fashioned We the clot a little lump, then fashioned We the little lump bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it as another creation. So blessed be God, the Best of creators! scientists have just discovered evidence like this in the late 20th and 21st century. now that it has been scientifically proven how can you deny the creator. How do you think the Muslims in the 700s were able to illustrate the first skeletal system? its because they used evidence from the miraculous quran. Today we have advanced technology that has proven quranic versus to be ultimately true. This proves that religion is the true science but people are too stubborn to believe to say evolution is true then why does it lack in evidence. Subhan Allah the quran has made an answer for everything but people continue to deny.

    1. Nice! I agree with what you are saying & verses within the Quran itself even state facts to support creationism.

  26. As I was reading through the comments some of you guys are actually considering evolution and saying that God created evolution or put evolution in motion. However that doesn't make sense because Humans are a different species entirely they didn't come from a common ancestor with apes. (I am referring back to the comment made by Asma) Also Tahany you said that you believe in some aspects of evolution but you can't believe in some without believing in all and vise versa.
    I just wanted to make a point by talking about homologous structures. So we all now what homologous structures and that human arms and related to bat wings, fish fin, a cat leg, and more. However, my question is why haven't we questioned that, why havent we come to a conclusion saying that we have a common ancestor with ALL species? Exactly we don't. This is because now that we are not related o them what so ever just by looking at them, and by having intelligence. God has created us with a mind to think, feel, and infer. Animals however cannot do that, so why are we comparing ourselves to them. All animals do is eat and sleep. My point is just with basic knowledge we all know that we are not the same species as cats, bats, or apes because we have the intelligence that they don't have.
    Also, what is wrong if we do have similar structures with certain species that doesn't mean that we are one and the same.

    1. I agree with you Marwa, when you said we can’t break down evolution and say we only believe part of it we have to see it as a whole and ask ourselves if ultimately what evolution is saying is true? Because the answer to this is how the controversial debate started.

  27. *sorry if i wasn't clear I kind rushed this*

  28. As believers of creationism the big bang theory is not necessarily false, but what's false is to say is that it was a random violent explosion. When saying that one is actually contradicting science as Dr. Lawerence Brown said. Doesn't science say that for every action there is a reaction and the law of thermodynamics. Then how can the Big Bang be a random event that happened all of a sudden.It wasn't.Because Allah was the cause of it. In the quran Allah says (Have not those who disbelieved known that the heavens and the earth were one connected entity, then We separated them?)So you have to admit that there is a creator behind everything. If you see a book there is obviously an author that created it, if you see a building there is obviously a contractor that built it and so on. so there has to be a reason behind the Big Bang and how the earth started.That is God who has no beginning nor end.

  29. There are many different debates to Creationist Vs. Evolution, and I can honestly say that i disagree with evolution. Not only did god created all species differently but not anywhere in the Qur'an has it stated that evolution was real. There maybe what people believed to be evidence of changes in a population, but cant you say that it couldve been a totally different species. Yes we were all created to be able to adapt and change in the environment,and sometimes whether its wrong or not i do question whether evolution is true even if i am a believer in my religion. God created everything the way he believed it would be best, not for scientists to sit there and say that populations change by themselves and they evolve from one another or any of that because it is false. I can say that everything stated in the Qur'an is true and is constantly being proven as true. I dont care how much evidence science says they have, You never know whether that mussle in the video couldve somehow became a new species of god and changed to stay alive by spitting the larvea out on the bass. When you have faith, you can just sit there and agree with something that you know is against it. even if there isnt proof provided. I believe that society is being missguided with the theory of evolution because there is not enough evidence in the fossil record, or the current changes in species to prove that evolution is correct over Creationism.

  30. The issue with Creationist Vs. Evolution will never agree. One will always have more proof then another. It depends on the religion, and prespective to see which side is correct. It can go either way. Personally, I think that both are correct. Science should be considered a religion itself. All the holy books. state that God created all species, and the existence shouldnt be questioned. However, with the other perspective, they claim to have hardcore evidence, from changes in evolution. But, then again how did the species get their in the first place? The questions can either fall into the Creationist or Evolutionists category; each side supports the other, so why not just put them together, and see what answer could come out from it.


  31. It is important to keep in mind that evolution is not a belief, but a fact supported by loads of evidence from a variety of different fields. Its existence is no more in dispute than the existence of gravity. Creationism, On The Other Hand, is a belief. It is purely ideological in nature, having its origins in religious mythology. And considering that even many religious believers have no problem accepting evolution (including the Pope), creationism doesn't even have the status of "official doctrine, but is merely some peoples interpretation of the evolution but through a religious aspect. In general, Evolution and creationism is a controversial debate topic but because the theory of evolution is supported by so much evidence and research. For instance, if you understand that genetic mutations occur, that these influence the characteristics of an organism, and if you accept that organisms most suited to survival are the most likely to survive, then it's pretty much impossible for evolution not to happen. Then it is very hard not to see evolution exists because phenomena like variations and natural selection do exist.

    1. Very true! The proof is in the science and genetics. If an organism can't survive with its traits to pass them on because of the environment, then those traits will be lost and create a change in the gene pool, which leads to evolution.

  32. 101 comments lol we're on a roll:)

  33. I personally feel that evolution does exsist but to a certain extent. Theres so much evidence that points toward it. Take, for example, vesitgal structures such as the pancreas in humans. It holds no purpose to our survival. So why does it exsist? The only rational explanation is that it once held a significance but through environtmental (and other) changes, it lost its purpose. Not to mention natural selection, which is indeniable. In every case, only those who are most fit to live in an environment will survive and those individuals with favorable characteristics will live on to reproduce and pass on those same genes. Now, some people believe that people have evolved from monkeys over time, but if this were true, there would need to be some species in the middle. There is no evidence of this "middle man," so to speak,and that's why evolutionists call them "the missing link". However, without this missing link, theres no SOLID evidence that humans evolved from apes. Therefore, evolution doesn exsist...but only to a certain extent.
