The first genetic material was most likely a(n)
A) DNA polymer.
B) DNA oligonucleotide.
C) RNA polymer.
D) protein.
E) protein enzyme.
In their laboratory simulations of the early Earth, Miller and Urey observed the abiotic synthesis of
A) amino acids.
B) complex organic polymers.
D) liposomes.
E) nucleoli.
Which of the factors below weaken the hypothesis of abiotic synthesis of organic monomers in early Earth's atmosphere?
1. the relatively short time between intense meteor bombardment and appearance of the first life forms
2. the lack of experimental evidence that organic monomers can form by abiotic synthesis
3. uncertainty about which gases comprised early Earth's atmosphere
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 1 and 3
E) 2 and 3
In what way were conditions on Earth more than 2 billion years ago different from those on Earth today?
A) The early Earth had water vapor in its atmosphere.
B) The early Earth was intensely bombarded by large space debris.
C) The early Earth had an oxidizing atmosphere.
D) Less ultraviolet radiation penetrated the early atmosphere.
E) The early atmosphere had significant quantities of ozone.
What condition would have made the primitive atmosphere of Earth more conducive to the origin of life than the present one? The primitive atmosphere
A) had a layer of ozone that shielded the first fragile cells.
B) removed electrons that impeded the formation of protobionts.
C) may have been a reducing one that facilitated the formation of complex substances from simple molecules.
D) had more oxygen than the modern atmosphere, and thus it successfully sustained the first living organisms.
E) had less free energy than the modern atmosphere, and thus newly formed organisms were less likely to be destroyed.
What characteristic would all protobionts have had in common?
A) the ability to synthesize enzymes
B) a surrounding membrane or membrane-like structure
C) RNA genes
D) a nucleus
E) the ability to replicate RNA
RNA molecules can be both self-replicating and catalytic. This probably means that
A) RNA was the first hereditary information.
B) protobionts had an RNA membrane.
C) RNA could make energy.
D) free nucleotides would not have been necessary ingredients in the synthesis of new RNA molecules.
E) RNA is a polymer of amino acids.
Which measurement would help determine absolute dates by radiometric means?
A) the accumulation of the daughter isotope
B) the loss of parent isotopes
C) the loss of daughter isotopes
D) all three of these
E) only A and B
What was the consequence of the release of oxygen gas by plant and bacterial photosynthesis? It
A) made life on land difficult for aerobic organisms.
B) changed the atmosphere from oxidizing to reducing.
C) made it easier to maintain reduced molecules.
D) made Earth an oxidizing environment.
E) prevented the formation of an ozone layer.
Elemental sulfur is to hydrogen-sulfide-splitting prokaryotes as ________ is to water-splitting prokaryotes.
A) H+
B) H2
C) OH-
D) O2
E) H2O
Which of the following statements provides the strongest evidence that prokaryotes evolved before eukaryotes?
A) the primitive structure of plants
B) meteorites that have struck Earth
C) abiotic laboratory experiments that produced liposomes
D) Liposomes resemble prokaryotic cells.
E) The oldest fossilized cells resemble prokaryotes.
Mycoplasmas are bacteria that lack cell walls. On the basis of this structural feature, which of the statements below is true about mycoplasmas?
A) They are gram-negative.
B) They are subject to lysis in hypotonic conditions.
C) They lack a cell membrane as well.
D) They undergo ready fossilization in sedimentary rock.
E) They possess typical prokaryotic flagella.
Which of the following statements about bacterial cell walls is false?
A) Bacterial cell walls differ in molecular composition from plant cell walls.
B) Cell walls prevent cells from bursting in hypotonic environments.
C) Cell walls prevent cells from dying in hypertonic conditions.
D) Bacterial cell walls are similar in function to the cell walls of many protists, fungi, and plants.
E) Cell walls provide the cell with a degree of physical protection from the environment.
Jams, jellies, preserves, honey, and other foodstuffs with a high sugar content hardly ever become contaminated by bacteria, even when the food containers are left open at room temperature. This is because bacteria that encounter such an environment
A) undergo death by plasmolysis.
B) are unable to metabolize the glucose or fructose, and thus starve to death.
C) undergo death by lysis.
D) are obligate anaerobes.
E) are unable to swim through these thick and viscous materials.
In a bacterium that possesses antibiotic resistance and the potential to persist through very adverse conditions, such as freezing, drying, or high temperatures, DNA should be located within, or be part of, which structures?
1. nucleoid region
2. flagellum
3. endospore
4. fimbriae
5. plasmids
A) 1 only
B) 1 and 4
C) 1 and 5
D) 1, 3, and 5
E) 2, 4, and 5
In regard to prokaryotic reproduction, which of the following is true?
A) Prokaryotes form gametes by meiosis.
B) Prokaryotes feature the union of haploid gametes, as do eukaryotes.
C) Prokaryotes exchange some of their genes by conjugation, the union of haploid gametes, and transduction.
D) Mutation is a primary source of variation in prokaryote populations.
E) Prokaryotes skip sexual life cycles because their life cycle is too short.
Match the numbered terms to the descriptions that follow. Choose all appropriate terms, but only appropriate terms.
1. autotroph
2. heterotroph
3. phototroph
4. chemotroph
an organism that obtains its energy from chemicals
A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 3 only
D) 4 only
E) 1 and 4
a prokaryote that obtains both energy and carbon as it decomposes dead organisms
A) 1 only
B) 4 only
C) 1 and 3
D) 2 and 4
E) 1, 3, and 4
an organism that obtains both carbon and energy by ingesting prey
A) 1 only
B) 4 only
C) 1 and 3
D) 2 and 4
E) 1, 3, and 4
Modes of obtaining nutrition, used by at least some bacteria, include all of the following except
A) chemoautotrophy.
B) photoautotrophy.
C) heteroautotrophy.
D) chemoheterotrophy.
E) photoheterotrophy.
Mitochondria are descendants of alpha proteobacteria. They are, however, no longer able to lead independent lives because most genes originally present on their chromosome are now located in the nuclear genome. What phenomenon most directly accounts for the movement of these genes?
A) horizontal gene transfer
B) binary fission
C) conjugation
D) meiosis
E) plasmolysis
Which of the following traits do archaea and bacteria share?
1. composition of the cell wall
2. presence of plasma membrane
3. lack of a nuclear envelope
4. identical rRNA sequences
A) 1 only
B) 3 only
C) 1 and 3
D) 2 and 3
E) 2 and 4
What do the archaea used in primary sewage treatment and the archaea that help cattle digest cellulose have in common?
A) They produce methane as a waste product.
B) They live only at extremely low pH levels.
C) They are nitrogen fixers.
D) They possess both photosystems I and II.
E) They require extremely high temperatures for reproduction.
Which of the following would most likely occur if all prokaryotes were suddenly to perish?
A) All life would eventually perish due to disease.
B) Many organisms would perish as nutrient recycling underwent dramatic reduction.
C) All life would eventually perish because of increased global warming due to the greenhouse effect.
D) Only the organisms that feed directly on prokaryotes would perish.
E) Very little change would occur because prokaryotes are not of significant ecological importance.
All of the following groups had taxonomic significance in the past, but only one is now considered to be a diverse clade. Which group is it?
A) algae
B) protist
C) protozoa
D) monera
E) euglenozoa
The strongest evidence for the endosymbiotic origin of eukaryotic organelles is the similarity between extant prokaryotes and which of the following?
A) nuclei and chloroplasts
B) mitochondria and chloroplasts
C) cilia and mitochondria
D) mitochondria and nuclei
E) mitochondria and cilia
Which process allows nucleomorphs to be first reduced, and then lost altogether, without the loss of any genetic information from the host cell that ultimately surrounds the nucleomorph?
A) conjugation
B) horizontal gene transfer
C) binary fission
D) phagocytosis
E) meiosis
The goal in classifying organisms should be to create categories that reflect the evolutionary histories of organisms. What system would be best to use?
A) a three-kingdom classification system
B) a five-kingdom classification system
C) an eight-kingdom classification system
D) a system that uses as many kingdoms as necessary to be accurate
E) a system that returns to that used by Linnaeus
Which of the following groups does not include many planktonic species?
A) kinetoplastids.
B) golden algae.
C) diatoms.
D) dinoflagellates.
E) radiolarians.
Which two genera have members that can evade the human immune system by frequently changing their surface proteins?
1. Plasmodium
2. Trichomonas
3. Paramecium
4. Trypanosoma
5. Entamoeba
A) 1 and 2
B) 1 and 4
C) 2 and 3
D) 2 and 4
E) 4 and 5
Which of the following is mismatched?
A) apicomplexa-internal parasites
B) golden algae;-planktonic producers
C) euglenozoa-unicellular flagellates
D) ciliates-red tide organisms
E) entamoeba-ingestive heterotrophs
If one speculates that it requires ten times as many ATP molecules to power a typical flagellum as to power a typical cilium for a given unit of time, and if one assumes that locomotion is the largest energy drain for protists, then which protist should have the largest number of ATP synthases per cell?
A) Euglena
B) Chlamydomonas
C) Giardia
D) Plasmodium
E) Paramecium
If one were to apply the most recent technique used to fight late potato blight to the fight against the malarial infection of humans, then one would
A) increase the dosage of the least-expensive antimalarial drug administered to humans.
B) increase the dosage of the most common pesticide used to kill Anopheles mosquitoes.
C) introduce a predator of the malarial parasite into infected humans.
D) use a "cocktail" of at least three different pesticides against Anopheles mosquitoes.
E) insert genes from a Plasmodium-resistant strain of mosquito into Anopheles mosquitoes.
Theoretically, which two of the following present the richest potential sources of silica?
1. marine sediments consisting of foram tests
2. diatomaceous earth
3. marine sediments consisting of radiolarian tests
4. marine sediments consisting of dinoflagellate plates
A) 1 and 2
B) 1 and 4
C) 2 and 3
D) 2 and 4
E) 3 and 4
What makes certain red algae appear red?
A) They live in warm coastal waters.
B) They possess pigments that reflect and transmit red light.
C) They use red light for photosynthesis.
D) They lack chlorophyll.
E) They contain the water-soluble pigment anthocyanin.
Which taxonomic group containing eukaryotic organisms is thought to be directly ancestral to the plant kingdom?
A) golden algae
B) radiolarians
C) foraminiferans
D) apicomplexans
E) green algae
Choose the nutritional mode that is primarily employed by each of the protists listed below.
A. autotrophic
B. mixotrophic
C. heterotrophic (by absorption)
D. heterotrophic (by ingestion)
phagocytic euglenids that possess functional chloroplasts
amoebozoans that do not possess endosymbionts
Which of the following do all fungi have in common?
A) meiosis in basidia
B) coenocytic hyphae
C) sexual life cycle
D) absorption of nutrients
E) symbioses with algae
When a mycelium infiltrates an unexploited source of dead organic matter, what are most likely to appear within the food source soon thereafter?
A) haustoria
B) soredia
C) exoenzymes
D) increased oxygen levels
E) larger bacterial populations
What is the primary role of a mushroom's underground mycelium?
A) absorbing nutrients
B) anchoring
C) sexual reproduction
D) asexual reproduction
E) protection
What do fungi and arthropods have in common?
A) Both groups are commonly coenocytic.
B) The haploid state is dominant in both groups.
C) Both groups are predominantly saprobic in nutrition.
D) The protective coats of both groups are made of chitin.
E) Both groups have cell walls.
What best accounts for the extremely fast growth of a fungal mycelium?
A) a rapid distribution of synthesized proteins by cytoplasmic streaming
B) their lack of motility that requires rapid spread of hyphae
C) a long tubular body shape
D) the readily available nutrients from their predatory mode of nutrition
E) a dikaryotic condition that supplies greater amounts of proteins and nutrients
Both fungus-farming ants and their fungi can synthesize the same structural polysaccharide from the β-glucose molecules that are derived from the digestion of plant leaves. What is the synthesized polysaccharide?
A) amylopectin
B) chitin
C) cellulose
D) lignin
E) glycogen
Which of the following cannot be assigned to any one kind of morphology (that is, unicellular or hyphate) or to any one fungal taxon?
A) yeasts
B) ascomycetes
C) club fungi
D) bread molds
E) ergot fungi
If all of their nuclei are equally active transcriptionally, then the cells of both dikaryotic and heterokaryotic fungi are essentially like ________ cells in terms of the gene products they can make.
A) haploid
B) diploid
C) alloploid
D) completely homozygous
E) completely hemizygous
What is the ploidy of a single mature Neurospora ascospore?
A) haploid
B) diploid
C) triploid
D) tetraploid
E) polyploid
Which of the following statements is true of deuteromycetes?
A) They are the second of five fungal phyla to have evolved.
B) They represent the phylum in which all the fungal components of lichens are classified.
C) They are the group of fungi that have, at present, no known sexual stage.
D) They are the group that includes molds, yeasts, and lichens.
E) They include the imperfect fungi that lack hyphae.
A biologist is trying to classify a new organism on the basis of the following characteristics: fungus-like in appearance, reproduces by conidia, has no apparent sexual phase, and parasitizes woody plants. If asked for advice, to which group would you assign this new species?
A) Deuteromycota
B) Zygomycota
C) Ascomycota
D) Basidiomycota
E) Glomeromycota
Considered at the taxonomic level of the kingdom, which of the following constitute a monophyletic clade?
A) mosses and zygomycetes
B) chytrids and fungi
C) algae and ascomycetes
D) chytrids and slime molds
E) mosses and fungi
You have been given the assignment of locating living members of the phylum Glomeromycota. Where is the best place to look for these fungi?
A) between the toes of a person with "athlete's foot"
B) in stagnant freshwater ponds
C) the roots of vascular plants
D) growing on rocks and tree bark
E) the kidneys of cattle
Which of these fungal structures are structurally and functionally most alike?
A) conidia and basidiocarps
B) sporangia and hyphae
C) soredia and gills
D) haustoria and arbuscles
E) zoospores and mycelia
You are given an organism to identify. It has a fruiting body that contains many structures with eight haploid spores lined up in a row. What kind of a fungus is this?
A) zygomycete
B) ascomycete
C) deuteromycete
D) chytrid
E) basidiomycete
Mushrooms with gills, typically available in supermarkets, have meiotically produced spores located in or on ________ and belong to the phylum ________.
A) asci; Basidiomycota
B) hyphae; Zygomycota
C) basidia; Basidiomycota
D) asci; Ascomycota
E) hyphae; Ascomycota
If there were no mycorrhizae, then which of the following would be true?
A) There would be fewer infectious diseases.
B) We wouldn't have any antibiotics.
C) There would be no mushrooms for pizza.
D) Most vascular plants would be stunted in their growth.
E) Cheeses like blue cheese or Roquefort would not exist.
How are the vascular plants that are involved in mycorrhizae and the photosynthetic cells that are involved in lichens alike?
A) They provide organic nutrients to fungal partners.
B) They secrete acids that keep the fungal partner from growing too quickly.
C) They are in intimate associations with chytrids.
D) They are digested by fungal exoenzymes while still alive.
E) They contain endosymbiotic fungi.
Sexual reproduction has never been observed among the fungi that produce the blue-green marbling of blue cheeses. What is true of these fungi and others that do not have a a sexual stage?
A) They are currently classified among the deuteromycetes.
B) They do not form heterokaryons.
C) Their spores are produced by mitosis.
D) Only A and B are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correct.
Fungi are beneficial to agriculture in all of the following ways except in that they
A) recycle nutrients that are tied up in dead organic matter.
B) increase the ability of most vascular plants to absorb minerals from the soil.
C) contribute to the initial stages of soil formation from rock.
D) form mycoses on leaves and stems.
E) may harbor photosynthetic partners that add nitrogenous compounds to the soil.
Can we get the answers for the questions, that way we know what's right?
ReplyDeleteYeah...none of these were on the test btw.
ReplyDeletejee aren't you a ray of sunshine :L
ReplyDeleteIs this a the post of the fifty questions?