Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Diffusion virtual lab link

You must complete both the diffusion and osmosis part of the lab. Ap seniors must turn in lab t heir lab report on Monday. Ap juniors must turn in their lab report on Tuesday.   The Chapter 14  outline and guided reading will be assigned on Friday. The Outline is due Monday and the guided reading is due Wednesday for Ap Seniors. Ap Junior's outline will be due on Tuesday and their guided reading will be due on Thursday. Have a nice day!


  1. lol you actually posted it... yay!

  2. This blog was meant for you guys! apparently no one has any questions anymore. If you guys would like homework reminders, I'll be more than happy to do it!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @aiman The virtual lab is just to assist you in your lab report to helping you have a visual understanding on what's going on. Just do step-by-step procedures in your report pertaining to the virtual lab.

  5. Hello all, next we are covering chapter 6 and 7, not 14. Sorry about that! Tomorrow you will be assigned chapter 6 outline, however I will also hand out the guided reading just in case you want a head start! Everyone did an amazing job with our first lab! Thanks to the juniors who helped me clean and put away all the lab material. Expect a small assessment as you walk into class tomorrow ;)

  6. Small assessment in pertinence to what? And just to make things clear, Juniors (and) Seniors will be beginning on ch.6 "Tour of a Cell", and ch.7 "Membrane Structure and Function"?

  7. It's a surprise Ruh just come prepared!

  8. We have to do both diffusion and osmosis. But didnt we do osmosis already in Class.?

  9. Mrs.Fradi, can you please e-mail me the guided reading? My e-mail is

  10. In our lab report, we don't have to include the Glucose and Starch test?

  11. @siddiqui, thats what i was confused on. Im so glad im finished, i started at 12am and stopped at 6pm. Christ... lol, to answer your question, i did include the glucose and starch test.

  12. Chapter 6 is so long.!!! Its like a class that never end.:\

  13. You know what else is long?... ch7 lol just kidding

  14. You guys all need to stop complaining!!!!!!
    By the way my juniors, I might not be able to come to school tomorrow. My daughter is not feeling well, if I see that I don't have any problems with her at night, I will be there but if not then I'm going to have to take her to the doctor. All work still applies though, so don't get too excited. Your lab is still due on Tuesday and your chapter 6 guided reading as well as your cell model(rubric provided in class) will be due on Thursday. You will receive many handouts tomorrow,keep them in a safe place. Make sure you label the diagram worksheet for both the plant and animal cell. You have so much to do tomorrow, please remain on your best behavior :) your goal is to become VERY familiar with chapter 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck guys! Your the best!

  15. What parts organelles did we exactly need on the cell? I'm almost done with my model and all I have left is to do the microtubles, do we need those?

  16. i havent started and its almost 12am. omgsh.... you need all pertaining from the book...

  17. crappy project..., i'll do good on tests though...

  18. I'll take your word on that Ruh

  19. What protein makes up the cytoskeleton & gives a cell its shape?

    Actin and Tubulin?

  20. Oh my god!, im relieved. Kinda confused about project. But im almost finished

  21. I've been doing the wrong lab.. x_x

  22. I think you just failed yourself.

  23. Lol I'm still working on the RIGHT lab but then I have the guided reading to do /:

  24. Just finished my lab report (4:34am).. time to start on the guided reading.. yay me.

  25. 4:34 jeeze...feel bad...(not) that sucks

  26. Thanks Ruh, I appreciate it -.-
