Saturday, October 29, 2011

Chapter 14/15

Hello all, I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend thus far, and this is where I come in and stress you out, just kidding. However, please understand chapter 14 and 15 very well, there will be a unit test coming very soon. Also, feel free to ask me for help at anytime. Good luck and enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Unit 3 Exam -Review topics posted and share questions among your peers

Topics to focus on:
Law of thermodynamics
Reaction at chemical equilibrium
Usage of enzymes
Noncompetitive  inhibition-
Cellular respiration
Oxidative phosphorelation
Redox reactions (OILRIG)
Glycolysis-each step of glycolysis as in which molecule is being split into two molecules, where the inorganic phosphate is being added, where oxidation is occurring
Investment and payoff phase
Know the terms of the citric acid cycle, and know the amount of products produced
Chemioosmotic phosphorelation
Products of light reactions
What happens in photosynthesis in terms of electrons
Know photosystem I and the wavelength of it’s light absorption
Know where ATP synthase complex are located
Know the electron transport chain
In an active mitochondrion, know the electron pathway flow.
Aerobic respiration
Know Acetyl CoA and where do I need it to enter.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

AP juniors - chapter 8

Please have chapter 8 read as you walk into class on thursday! you never know, there might be some sort of an assessment the second part of class. :)
good luck study hard for your test.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Tubulin is what makes up microtubules, Actin is what makes microfilaments.... cytoskeleton has 3 types of cytoskeletal filaments
1. microtubules 2. microfilaments 3. intermediate filaments.
both actin and tubulin are globular proteins

Unit 2 review

Post questions as you like.... please help your peers as well! thanks